Monday, October 12, 2009

Halifax & Newfoundland - Part 6

Inside an old cabin on Western Brook beach (I'm back in Gros Morne National Park, here). Every time I come back, this small building has deteriorated more and more - this time the entire front (ocean-facing) wall was gone. I'm not sure if this is sad or pretty, but as I'm here being a photographer, I'll stick with pretty.

Mom and Dad on Western Brook beach. Newfoundland has a few beautiful sandy beaches, and even on the sunniest of days, they're all but deserted. I think that if there were long, beautiful sandy beaches (as this one is) just a 45 minute drive from any other fairly major centre in the world, they'd be packed all the time. I don't understand why this one isn't, but the peace and quiet is just how I like it.

This is part of the view out the front window of the house I grew up in. It's been cloudy and raining almost the entire time I've been home (not complaining - I love cloudy days!), but every now and then the sun has appeared and made everything glow. I could hardly ask for anything more.

Another view out the front window. A large transmission line runs through the farm, and on the right is an old sheep barn (and before that, it was a poultry barn). More beautiful colours.

A blurry view over Corner Brook (the neighbouring "city"). The brightest lights in the lower left part of the frame are from a pulp and paper mill. Apologies for the shakiness - this was an eight second exposure on a windy night with no tripod (I know, it's no excuse).

Mom atop a cliff near the Bay of Islands (less than an hour from Corner Brook). There were beautiful waves and lots of wind today. This is the same place I took this photo.

A wave crashing in at Bottle Cove. You can see a bit of a cave behind the wave. The tide was too high to walk in there today (and the waves to big to want to!), but you can often easily walk to the cave and explore it. I took this shot of Mom a few years ago.

(Probably) the last shot of this trip, just one bay over from Bottle Cove. I don't remember the name of this bay, but I remember the place well from being a kid. There is something surprising cosy and busy about being there that it has always remained vivid in my memory.

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